
September 11, 2011

IBS Grad

Yesterday I graduated JO's IBS (Introductory Bomber School). In our final exam, we had to fly three missions. The first mission was a coop, in a four-bomber formation, with human escort. The second - torpedoing a ship, shooting at barrage balloons and landing with one engine. The third mission was about bombing a target from 3000 m. All these three missions took about three hours and a half, but we had a lot of fun.
I found out that flying a bomber isn't boring at all. Forming up and keeping the formation is a lot harder than with fighters. Besides, gaining altitude with 1-2 tons of payload can be a real challenge, but thank God for the level stabilizer!
So we adjust our heading, according to the ADF indicator, we hit our level stabilizer keys, keep our eyes peeled for enemy fighters, we chatter like crazy (on TS3) and our laughters can be heard only on comms and by the gods...
In IL-2, if you try to view another multi-engine plane and it has at least one engine shut down (and feathered), all the engines seem to be shut down, as if it was gliding. I learned that this is a glitch in the game and today I submitted a request on the 1C Company forum (Daidalos Team discussions), maybe they can change that in the upcoming 4.11 patch...

And another photo with Ion Profir (He-111 H-3 pilot) and his observer - Eugen Teodoru, one of Romania's best bomber teams on the Eastern Front.

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